Dear Colleague,
We cordially invite you to submit your paper or abstract to the Second International Research Conference on Management and Business (IRCMB). The purpose of IRCMB is to bring together researchers and practitioners all over the world to share new ideas and present latest developments in the theoretical and practical areas of Accounting, Finance, Management, Economics, and Social Sciences. The conference will be held in Bandung (the venue will be announced) on July 29, 2017. This conference is jointly organized by UIN Jakarta, Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Jenderal Ahmad Yani, Universitas Trilogi, Universitas Suryakancana, Universitas Winayamukti, Universitas Tama Jagakarsa, STMIK Nusa Mandiri and Universitas Islam Malang.
Coverage/Area of Research:
Coverage of research will include, but not limited, business, economic, management, accounting, auditing, banking, finance, marketing, human resources management, operations, social marketing, social accounting, gender studies, strategic,social studies.corporate governance, supply chain, logistics, production, advertising, international relations, industrial psychology, investment, risk management, disaster management, business law, e-commerce, e-business, taxation, fiscal policy, micro-macroeconomics, business ethics,retail marketing, service marketing, business/economic education, vocation business.
We are proud to announce the keynote speaker for our conference:
Prof Pab Jotikasthira (Southern Methodist University, USA)
One copy with author name(s) must be electronically submitted in the MS Word or the PDF format to or
Those who can not come to present their paper but wish to present a paper in absentia are also encouraged to send a paper. Paper on the conference presented in absentia is eligible to be included in the conference materials.
Selected Articles
Selected articles will have the opportunity to be published in reputable journals as follows:
1. Journal of Business Economics and Management (Scopus Indexed)
8.Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics(DOAJ)
10.The UerASEANSs (Google Scholar)
11. International Journal of Organization Innovation (Proquest)